Happy New Year


Happy New Year all.

Last year was a trying year, but I still have to give thanks. Writing and conversing with awesome people from around the world is so much fun.

This year, I expect great things. This year I wish blessings for you all. I wish that all your dreams and aspirations come to fruition. But most importantly, I wish did you all peace and longevity. :mrgreen:


Homeless Man Experiment

I found a video while scrolling through Facebook of an experiment carried out by a dude with a homeless man (Sandy). The video shows Sandy immaculately dressed and groomed like a business person. He went on the street, while pretending to be on a phone call, and stopped random persons asking them for change to buy food or to take the subway. Dressed as the business person, everyone he stopped tried to help him out. One man even gave him 5 bucks. Sandy then changed into his raggedy clothes and went back and not surprisingly, no one gave him any money. What was really interesting was when Sandy stopped a fellow homeless man, and he too was willing to give Sandy money.

I’m curious about why this is so. What’s the psychology behind this behavior? Why are we more willing to help the needy that the poor and homeless? Let me hear your thoughts.

Here’s the video:




“The Perfection of Beauty”

I was at work listening to some christian rap music and I heard the song/poetry recital of Shai Linne’s ‘The Perfection of Beauty‘. Her profound words spoke about where to find true beauty, not in the sins of the world, not in the lies propagated by the media, but true beauty lies with God and His

Beauty is sold in exchange for a “dime”
Nothing to attract us to You, yet we worship Your creation as fine

Captivated by its forbidden fruit
Pleasing our senses, so we suppress the truth
And eat the lie

Media’s fig leaf deadening our soul and mind
Sin blinding us to You
The, only objective Beauty that’s truly absolute
Hidden in the symmetry of Your goodness, glory and truth
Each attribute working harmoniously
Justice with patience, wrath with graciousness
Omnipotence with humility, long-suffering with faithfulness
Each a note to a sweet melody
The ultimate hymn entitled “God’s Beauty”
Immutable, no change
Because “dimes” get lost daydreaming in dark gutters
Unable to hear the call to wake up
They, the noose, dripping honeysuckle
Lips pasted on with Mac makeup
If they truly beheld Your beauty
You’d make magazines and Mattell go bankrupt
You sent Your Beloved to be lifted up
On a beautiful, seemingly ugly cross
The, visible image of Your hiddenness
Only You are beautiful and yet invisible
True beauty is, spiritual


Therefore, sanctify our worldly minds
Your complexion is unappealing to lustful eyes
Besides, apart from new birth in Christ
Sinners beholding Your Holy beauty would die
Therefore, beauty residing in the eye of the beholder is a lie
It is found in the Beautiful One- The Most High




As usual I love to hear feedback from you guys. So what are your thoughts on this poem?

Watch your thoughts…

My last post was triggered by a video I saw on YouTube about “Sexual Healing“, in which I decided to make a response and share my thoughts.

I was attacked by an Atheist. Here’s his comment:

+Omar Genas “we should abstain from sexual immorality”

– the only reason you call something sexually immoral is because god told you it was wrong. But he doesn’t give you a reason.. just an order.

Sorry, your reason for thinking something is immoral or not is a profoundly stupid one. It renders you into a moral idiot. And that, my friends is why we have religious wars. You get your morality from AUTHORITY and NOT from reason. THAT is stupid morality I think it’s completely DISGUSTING.

as for lumping all Christians together.. stop whining. You do the same thing when you talk about atheists, you moron. OF COURSE we have to generalize. Not everybody is the same. Now go get a cookie.


When I saw his comment I smiled as I thought this person seems so angry. All his comments on YouTube seems like an attack on Christians and believers all over. Morality is completely subjective and biased. Your reason for believing something is “right” or “wrong” is dependent on your perspective in life. I have a friend who is an Atheist and we’ve had several constructive debates about our beliefs, and at the end of the day, we’re STILL friends. I told him [Mr YouTuber] that he’s a bigot and that I am leaving to go have my cookie 🙂

In life you have to just accept that everyone will not agree with whatever you’re saying. Some persons are just negative and their sole purpose in life is to tear down others. This is easily identified on YouTube when you see people disliking the most innocent of videos and then you think: what on earth is there to dislike about this. For example, this video, shows a father helping his son across the finish line after he tore his hamstring. The video got over two thousand dislikes.

YouTube is an excellent platform which allows everyone to express themselves creatively or otherwise. Consider this scenario: A shy kid posted a video of himself learning to ride a bike. He fell a few times but he kept at it. When he check his page a day later he noticed a host of comments, not encouraging him to keep trying or pointers on how to stay on the bike longer, but instead comments jeering him and telling him to quit because he sucks. What do you think will happen to that kids confidence?

It is often said that if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing. Constructive criticism is always good as it serves to make the individual better at whatever task they’re engaged in. Sometimes its best to leave negative people alone because the only thing you can get from such a relationship is misery.

Until next time….namaste!

Sex — The Greatest Act Man Could Engage In

Sex is great. It’s one of the greatest acts that man could engage in. Is sex wrong? A very loaded question.

Believers vs Non-believers
For a non-believer, of course not! How can something that’s so natural ever be “wrong”? I can empathize, truly I can. But for a christian, it’s not right. Why? Why should non-believers have all that fun…

The Book of Guidelines
…Because Christians are given a book which outlines how s/he should live his/her life as best as possible — granted as a christian you will falter along the way because we’re still human — if you want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven — a Christian’s ultimate goal.

1 Thessalonian chapter 4 tells us [Christians] that our sanctification is the will of God and that we should abstain from sexual immorality because the Lord called us [Christians] not for sexual immorality, but for holiness and honor and if we disregard this, we disregard not man but God who gave his spirit onto us.

I believe that some Christians are too judgmental and hypocritical. The same can be said for non-believers. When one Christians condemns something, you guys [non-Christians] cast a huge net on all Christians and condemn everything we say or do.

We all were blessed with the gift of life, and we all have to live it as we see fit. Christians live their lives according to the will of God, and non-Christians live their lives as they see fit. However, it is written in the Book of Guidelines that a Christian should always try and help out his brother, that’s why some Christians tend to “preach” to non-Christians.

Everyone is different. We won’t necessarily share the same thoughts on topical issues. When we ALL (Christians and non-Christians alike) begin to truly accept that, and start focusing on the bigger issues, as Jefferson said; the world will truly be a better place.



Merry Christmas


Yes I know. It’s late. But whatever, better late than never.

I love this time of the year. No. Not because of the gifts and such, but because at this time of the year, everyone is so festive, friendly, warm and loving towards each other. But Christmas is more than that though. It’s the one time of the year when people are given the opportunity to help others.

People tend to be so busy 364 days out of the year with work and other pressing matters. So on this one day, people tend to make up altruistically for the 364 days of the year. Some people give their time to a soup factory. Some read to some foster children. Others donate clothes and books. The possibilities are endless. And the beauty about it, is that people enjoy doing it!!

So the next time you complain about having too many TV channels and how difficult it is to decide on what to watch, think about those who are living without electricity. Or the next time you throw out an article of clothing or a pair of shoes because it’s out of fashion, imagine how elated a child that has ONE pair of shoe or ragged clothes would be to have it. Or instead of complaining about having soup or pasta again, think about what some impoverished children in Africa and other parts of the world are having — a piece of bread or nothing at all. Giving thanks is the true spirit of Christmas.

So, as the new year approaches, let’s change our attitude and perspective. Let’s be more grateful for the things we have. Let’s try to give more, no matter how little. I wish you all health, strength and prosperity for the new year.

P.S. For a good chuckle, check out my older Christmas post: Oh, Its Christmas


Men’s Guide On How To Be a Better Boyfriend/Husband During Her Period

My girlfriend was seeing her period and I was wondering what I could do to ease her pain or at least comfort her throughout the process. So I turned to our dear friend Dr. Google for an answer and I found this article. It’s a really good read.


MEN in Menstruation

I promised I’d write this for Poh Ching a long time ago and it’s finally time I live up to this! In this entry, I’d like to take some time to discuss ways to make your girlfriend or wife feel better shortly before or during her period. Let’s face it, most men rather avoid a woman while she is menstruating and that is too bad, because we should not ditch our second half just because she’s bleeding between her legs. Some men are opposed to my way of thinking, “being there for the girl” and rather, feel that they are more of a help if they just stay out of the way. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and every girl is different on how she wants to be treated or what makes her feel good. However, this entry will cover some things I feel might be ways you…

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Giving Thanks

Sometimes we get so caught up in the rigors of daily life that we forget to appreciate the simple blessings that life offers. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so let me use this opportunity to give thanks to the small blessings that I have received:

  • My Parents: For supporting and providing for me throughout my adolescence years, now I have the opportunity to give back.
    • The many meals they provided
    • The wisdom they’ve imparted
    • The sacrifices (financial & emotional) they’ve made


  • My Girlfriend: She came at an opportune time when I thought all hope was lost in finding an ideal partner. She’s loving, compassionate and supportive. If that in itself is not a blessing, I don’t know what is.
    • The big hug I got from her this morning. I could feel the love flowing through her into me
    • The muffin we shared because we we’re running late for church


  • My Job: Though it’s not ideal, it affords me  the opportunity to handle my responsibilities. A lot of persons are home sending out hundreds of resumes in hopes that they can get even a mediocre job so that they can take care of their expenses.

Each day is truly a blessing and to realize that, we must focus more on the positives. I know it’s easy to focus on the negative things that are happening in our lives because they’re in our face, but for every bad thing that has happened to us, there are three or more good things that has happened or will happen. It’s just a matter of perspective really.

As you go throughout your day, I leave you with this quote:

The more elevated the soul, the broader the outlook.

~Hazrat Khan




Being a Woman

Image courtesy of reneeqblog.com

Could you at least stare at me when you’re talking and not at my chest?!
What’s up with those cheesy pickup lines. Can’t you try to be original?

Is it too much to ask to walk down the street without being verbally harassed

Do you want to get to know me, or just know enough to shag me?

Do my breasts or butt have a “grab me” sign on them?
When you look at me do you immediately think “inferior”, “weak”, “sex object“?

Another month…another week of cramps.
My emotions are heightened. I’m easily annoyed.
Why do you get upset when I’m being a cranky, hormonal bitch? Why can’t you understand that this is how I was made — emotions come with the territory.

You’re always horny.
Am I your real-life sex doll?
Why can’t you just sit and talk with me? Who cares if I shoot off a thousand words per minute.
You’re done already? What about me? I would like to have multiple orgasms too, if that’s too much to ask, then ONE will suffice. I like being caressed too.
Why is having a threesome with another guy suddenly taboo? You talk about having one with two girls all the time.
How about we spice things up a bit. Let’s have sex in the car park of the theatre.

After having some talks with some of my female friends, they shared some of the trials of being a woman. Ladies, feel free to add anything that I’ve missed. 🙂