Resignation …

I started this little blog on the 7th July 2011. My first post (because I wanted something to post) was about Harry Potter. 😆 My first follower was CJ. New to the world of WordPress, she liked all my little non-substantial posts. Then after stalking her blog, I found Harnew and quickly followed his blog and sent him an email so he could follow me back. Yeah, I know. That’s cheating, but now I got TWO followers. I thought I had won the lottery! Over time, I started sharing my views on controversial topics and things of worth like Abortions, Human Rights, Wars etc.

Now, almost one year in existence, 312 followers and 105 posts later, I’ve decided to retire the quill. Some life changing events occurred in my life and it seems trivial to carry on. I will however, continue posting to my photoblog (they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so when I post a picture, it will be like posting a thousand words — right?).

This blogging experience has been a warm one and these persons have made the experience quite favorable:

There are so many more but unfortunately I can’t list them all.

I wonder if I should disable “LIKE” for this post? Wouldn’t it be weird to click like to a post of this nature 😆

Anyway, it’s been fun.

After Linda’s comment, I thought it would be good to share my name. Here goes. Are you ready?? AMOR is OMAR jumbled 😆 😀

Love you all! 😀

WordPress’ Sidebar

Somewhere around late last year, I noticed a new feature of WordPress – The Sidebar. The Sidebar comes up after you publish a post saying something like “Congratulations, this is you 50th post. Five post to go to reach your next posting goal.”

Next posting goal? I was soooo excited. Eager to reach my 55th post so I could claim my “prize!” After hours of mulling, I came up with enough ideas for five posts. I finally did it! I reached the goal. I clicked published and waited eagerly and impatiently for my prize.

Congratulations. You did it!!

I got it. My prize – A quote from Isaac Asimov … wait. What?! After hours of mulling … yes hours … All I got was a quote!! Seriously?

I am so eager to reach my next goal! Maybe this time I’ll get a gold star. Yay!!

2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,500 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 42 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Thank you guys. You all made this possible !!!